I am a statistician and an economist, specialised in the analysis of social policies in France. My research mainly focuses on retirement and pension systems, disability policies, social protection and labour market.
Up to June, 2022, I was Assistant Director in charge of the Observation of Solidarity at DREES, the Statistical Directorate at the French Ministry in charge of Social Affairs. This sub-directorate’s mission is to produce statistics, studies and simulations on all themes of social protection and social assistance (excluding health policies): pensions and retirement, family and youth, children in foster care, minimum social benefits, poverty and exclusion, disability and old-age long-term care.
PhD in Economics, 2007
Université de Paris X - Nanterre
Master of Science in Economics, 2002
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelone
Statistician-economist degree, 2002
École Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Administration Economique (ENSAE), Malakoff
Engineering degree, 2000
École Polytechnique, Palaiseau
My career so far has been spent in administrations (INSEE, ministerial statistical services and advisory councils) and has been devoted, in roughly equal parts, to the production of statistics and to researches and economic studies on social public policies.
As regard statistical production, I was involved in projects aiming at creating new statistical databases, notably by exploiting the potential of administrative data, matched with each other or with surveys.
As a researcher, my work consisted in conducting studies, creating indicators and carrying out simulations on the French social protection system, and in particular its pension system, in order to better inform public policies and prepare reforms. In this context, I participated in the development of simulation models, in particular dynamic microsimulation. My research has focused more specifically on pension disparities (between schemes or between categories of pensioners), the redistributive properties of the French system, and the conditions of end of career and retirement. More recently, I have turned my attention to issues at the borderline between retirement, disability and autonomy policies.
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